For startups, the term pivot is a well-known concept. The canvas side interpretation of pivot business model is quite simple: if one of the 9 elements of the model needs to be changed, it is a pivot.
This change can be a change in the value proposition. Or even to serve a new target group. Such a customer segment pivot. If, on the other hand, the revenue model changes from a one-off fixed-fee revenue model to a monthly fee pricing model, we can talk about a revenue model pivot.
The right side is the value-added, creative part. This includes value proposition, customer/target, channel, customer relationship and revenue. In other words, how we create value.
Just like the right side of the brain, which is responsible for the creative, value-creating tasks. In the business world this includes a company’s marketing department, product development, business development.
In contrast, the left side of the canvas is responsible for rational, number-based decisions. It includes resources, activities, costs and partners. Just like finance, operations, controlling, IT and legal in a company.
And when there is a company debate about whether or not to launch a new project, similar questions tend to arise?
So really the right and the left are fighting and struggling to balance each other.
And hence, canvast is not only about value creation, creative side can be designed. Take a development company: they work for months on a project, and then when it runs out, there are a lot of free resources that management wants to do something with.
Training exercise: participants continue to work on the idea in the working group already in place, their task is to create the next three elements of the model for the selected idea: